The Necessity of Staying Sober Before Getting a Tattoo in Bali

a person holding a tattoo machine

Tattoos serve as a powerful form of personal expression, permanently capturing moments, beliefs, and memories on one's skin. Making the decision to get a tattoo should be approached with caution, especially when it comes to staying sober. The experience of Rhiannon Cunningham, a London expat, vividly illustrates why maintaining sobriety is vital when getting inked.

Recently, Rhiannon shared her experience on TikTok, revealing how she woke up with a tattoo of an upside-down Bintang beer bottle on her foot—a choice made during a night out in Bali. Her story quickly went viral, resonating with many viewers and highlighting the risks of impulsive decisions influenced by alcohol.

Her tale began with an impromptu night of drinking with a man she had just met. Despite having warned a friend earlier about avoiding "silly" tattoos while on vacation, Rhiannon found herself making the same error. She recalled the moment they decided to get tattoos together after only knowing each other for thirty minutes. This spontaneous decision led to her waking up with an unplanned and unwanted tattoo in Bali.

The Role of Subconscious Influences

Interestingly, Rhiannon had advised someone earlier in the day against getting a Bintang beer tattoo, considering it a poor choice. Ironically, this thought stayed in her subconscious, resulting in her getting the very same tattoo while under the influence. She later reflected that having this idea in the back of her mind likely influenced her drunken decision, despite not even liking beer.

The regrets didn’t stop with one tattoo; she also ended up with a red heart on her other foot, further showcasing the night’s spontaneous, alcohol-driven nature. She humorously remarked on her newfound desire to be tattooed everywhere.

Choosing the Right Tattoo Studio in Bali

Rhiannon’s experience underscores the importance of being sober when making a permanent decision like getting a tattoo. Alcohol can impair your ability to make sound decisions, which is crucial when selecting a design that you will appreciate for a lifetime. When you are sober, you can better manage the pain associated with tattooing and communicate more effectively with the tattoo artist about any breaks or adjustments you may need.

Additionally, alcohol can thin your blood, increasing the risk of bleeding and infection during the tattooing process. Staying sober helps mitigate these risks, ensuring a safer and healthier experience. Given that tattoos are permanent, maintaining a clear state of mind is essential for choosing a design that you will be satisfied with long-term.

When planning to get a tattoo in Bali, it’s crucial to select a reputable studio. A quality tattoo shop will emphasize hygiene, professionalism, and artistry. Taking the time to research and visit different studios can help ensure a positive and safe tattoo experience. This approach not only enhances the overall tattooing process but also ensures that the final result is something you will cherish and not regret.


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